The Chemistry of Books


  • Books are a portable device that allows people to share stories, knowledge, and whatever else they can fit in its pages. I choose to research the chemistry of books because of the simple fact that I always seem to have my nose in one. Books helped me get through some rough patches in my life. All I had to do was crack open a book and then I was in a whole new world, where any and all troubles didn’t exist.Composition of ...
    • Ink
      • Carbon (most abundant element in ink)
      • Color pigment
        • red
    • C20H6Br4Na2O5
        • blue
          • C19H16
        • yellow
          • PbCr4
      • Gum arabic
        • arabinose
          • C5H10O5
        • galactose
          • C6H12O6
      • honey
        • fructose
          • C6H12O6
        • glucose
          • C6H12O6
      • water
        • H2O
    • Paper
      • cellulose
        • C6H10O5
      • lignin
        • C9H10O2,C10H12O3, C11H14O4
      • china clay
        • Al2Si2O5(OH)4
      • hydrogen peroxide
        • H2O2

Main Chemicals, Compounds, Components

    • Ink: C+C20H6Br4Na2O5 +C5H10O5+3(C6H12O6)+H2O
      • Pigment is added to the vehicle and mixed. Then they add more things step by step, adding more things after each addition. After testing it to make sure it holds up to the standard of each batch, the ink is shipped out.
      • The pigment and the vehicle
        • Pigment is what gives ink its color. It starts in a powdered form and is insoluble with water.
        • Vehicle carries the color and keeps it liquid so it can run in machines and stay on the paper. But it also keeps it from being too liquid.
      • They keep a steady production to supply the demand, which appears to be increasing as more and more things are being printed for advertisements and students are starting to shift to writing with
      • Ink is used to display things that are printed to bring the world of technology into the real world, from ads to projects to pictures. Many things require ink.
      • Used wherever there is a printer, pen, or ink pad.
    • Paper: C6H10O5+Al2Si2O5(OH)4+H2O2+C9H10O2+C10H12O3+C11H14O4
      • First thing first, the tree has to grow, during which it converts sunshine, H2O, and CO2 into O. Then the tree gets chopped and becomes lumber. The lumber is collected, then the bark is striped from the logs. Eventually the logs are ground into nothing but chips and powder. Then it is boiled and washed till it is a pale brown paste. Then chemicals such as H2O2 are added for bleaching. Finally the paper is pressed so as that the water is extracted from the paste and what is left is a large paper. It is then verified for qualities and rolled up so they can send it away to get cut up somewhere else.
      • Paper printer is made from logs, water, heat, and various chemicals (most commonly Hydrogen Peroxide).
      • About 55 sheets are made a minute, and one log makes at least 15 packages of paper.
      • Paper is made to store and display information so that the information isn’t changed by a misspoken word or a lost memory.
      • Paper is made mostly in regions that have easy and abundant access to lumber

Background Research

Authors spend so much time writing their story they are going to want to share them. They use their imagination to make the words flow together to keep the reader transfixed in their writing. Some writers will actually try to sweat out creativity. But what is used to make the device that is used to deliver the story; the book? Books are words printed on many pieces of paper that are then bound together along one edge. Way back in history, when people had figured out the magical abilities of the combination of paper and ink, they used one really large piece of paper, or sometimes not even that, just whatever happened to be around. Then the greatest of minds came together to figure out a solution that would let them share their story in a more convenient way. So then came the scroll, but that was a hassle to have to roll back up all the time. More ideas presented themselves until around 1450 when Johannes Gutenberg innovated a portable device that is bound along one edge. It also happened to be less expensive to produce, which resulted in more people being able to have access to them since there were more of them, as compared to before when they were so expensive to produce so there weren’t many of them and only the rich had access.

So now trees are grown and cut down to make paper, and ink is made. Nowadays, an author needs to only share their story with a printer to get the ink to stain the paper which they can then bind together and share with anyone they meet on the street.


elements of paper

Magnesium substitute, Alkyl Ketene Dimer, Alabaster, Alganic acid, Alum, Albarine, Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorine, Dolomite, Diethylene Triamine Penta Acetate, Ethylene DIamine Tetra Acetic Acid, Enzyme, Thiourea Dioxide, Guar Gum, Lime, Lime Stone, Magnesium Bisulfite, Magnesite, etc.

uses for ink

origins of ink

materials in ink

changes in ink

properties of pens and ink

Chemistry of ink

Chemicals, Compounds, and Components of Ink

Background information of ink

Chemistry’s role

Additional resources

Chemistry of paper

Chemicals, Compounds, and Components of paper

Background information of paper

Chemistry’s role

Additional resources

information for blue pigment

information on red pigment

information for yellow pigment

A video of the process of making ink.

A video of the process of making printing paper

Chemical formulas

More chemical formulas

Info on lignin

Info on Kaolinite, also known as China Clay

About the Author

Keyera Lucas grew up as a book worm, reading above 12th grade level since the third grade. She often would exchange books with her family so everyone had more to read, and still kept some money in their wallets. Even when she moved she had more than twice as many boxes packed with books than that of anything else. She is known to be reading multiple books at the same time. She now spends the majority of her time at school, doing something for school, or at work. However, other than reading, traveling, camping, and all the stereotypical Montanan stuff, she is also decent with duct tape, as in making things out of duct tape. One day she aspires to be a Mechanical Engineer, who will hopefully not need that much duct tape.