The Chemistry of Hair Spray
I chose hairspray because I love it and it helps cute hairstyles stay in place. And, it also has a very nice smell depending on the kind.
Without hairspray, hair would never stay where you want it and it would fall out of place.
Composition of ...
- Elastesse is chemical form of liquid elastic.
- plastics in hairspray place invisible film over hair once the elastesse dries
- polyvinylpyrrolidine one of the polymers which is used to glue the layers of plywood together
- polydimethylsiloxane added for extra hold
- pytocalcious chemicals enhance minerals in the roots of hair for additional stiffness
- ethanol or more commonly water make up the rest of the composition
- active polymers are dissolved
- additive chemicals keep the inside of the can from rusting
- one popular ingredient is gum arabic which is made from the sap of trees in Sudan
Main Chemicals, Compounds, Components
Chemistry's Role
Background Research
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