The Chemistry of Hockey
Hockey has many components that make it the intense, physical,and amazing game that we love. In these components chemistry is a great deal apart of it. I will only show the chemistry of two things in hockey on this website. Adrenaline and the ice are the components i’m doing.Composition of ...The ice is simple. Its H2O that goes through the physical change that makes it a solid. The thing some people don’t know is that nitrogen is used to help it stay cold. Also, the ice is severally affected by its surroundings. If there is a lot of dust in the air it makes the ice dirty. This creates a bad playing surface. The body heat people put off can make the ice warm or “bad” ice. This makes it uneven. Passes and puck handling became more difficult.
Another component is adrenaline. Adrenaline is made naturally and in a lab. You make it naturally when you are in a dramatic situation but it is also made in a lab for cardiac arrest. During a hockey game your adrenaline starts because everything is so fast and because of this your body temp increases. One reason why after a hockey game players like cold showers or baths.
Main Chemicals, Compounds, Components
The main chemicals of the ice is H2O and Nitrogen. H2O is the main ingredient and nitrogen keeps it cold. Adrenaline is composed of sodium chloride,sodium metabisulfite, and hydrochloric acid.
Chemistry's Role
The chemicals roles have basically been said in the information above. Nitrogen is used to keep the H2O in its solid state. Adrenaline is used to keep your mind focused and it helps so you don’t feel the pain. Pain of a hard hit or the pain of your muscles.
Background Research
Hockey has been around since the mid 1800’s. Back in those days it was much more brutal. There were basically no rules and it was intense. As hockey “grew up” it became more a contest then a war. Rules were in place and it became more structured. Later came the game we know and love today.
Heart rate increases so you use more energy and create more body heat
one of the reasons it is so hot during a hockey game
also your adrenaline pumps which also heats you up
ice gets too cold it gets chippy
when someone tries to stop chunks come out
ice is suppose to spray
also it is faster ice when really cold
warm ice just isn’t good
it is very hard to get plays going because the puck moves so slow
it can make it an uneven playing surface
towards the end of a period the ice gets bad or slow
slow ice is warm soft ice
fast ice is cold(not too cold) and smooth
ice gets bad because of the friction and body heat that warm it up
freezing and refreezing of ice makes it bad
16 degrees is one of the best temps
helps with hyper sensitivity
most prominent on beta receptors on the heart
epinephrine is the scientific name for adrenaline
in solid form it can be toxic
ice is a physical change
it is still h2o just a solid not a liquid
the temperature the water is makes the decision on whether it’s frozen or not
it is four layers to make the inch of ice you play on
it takes 15 to 20 hours to do the final sheet
early ice resurfacing machines cost close to 5 grand
first pucks were round pieces of wood
February 27 was the day they established only seven rules
About the Author
Chris has played hockey for 12 years. He started when he was five and has loved the game ever since. His teams have won two state championships in this time. He also enjoys playing baseball and football. Some of his hobbies are hanging with friends and playing video games. He is a student at Senior High and is a junior.